Participants and their managers agree that as a result of PEP they are better able to plan how to be more effective in their present jobs and more realistic about future undertakings. Increasing Personal Effectiveness Program provides the attitude and skills for improved performance, customer responsiveness, and professional behaviors
We specialize in conducting training programs based on our signature CRAFT. Our training programs are custom tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements for the targeted pilot group – be it organization or individuals.
Leveraging our Exceleration Process we deliver our training programs/ coaching/ consultation with our New Paradigm of Intelligence with an aim to achieve Radical Transformation.
Everyone who are interested in Self-development including, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Consultants, CEOs & Senior Management, Trainers, Teachers, College students and other professionals will find it rewarding.
Knowing and accepting where I am is the first leap towards the desired results. This module will help learn to attain detail insight of your current state and facilitate to pave path to plan goal/goals
There is difference in desire, wants and goals. This module will aid you to explore your inner-self and help you realize what is it that you really want to achieve
Positive attitude is the core of every success but attitude is a very broad term and subjective for individual interpretation. This module will focus on setting context to inculcate appropriate attitude to succeed in whatever you do
‘Enjoy what you do’ is the success mantra for becoming efficacious. This module highlights on how to identify and deliver value in what you do. Delivering value is an essential element to love what you do
Every individual is born talented and harness these skills as you grow. The concentration of this module is towards identifying and advance in skills and talents required to perform your work in a satisfactory manner
Communication is in the core of every activity. Communicating persuasively is the key to every feat. You will learn how to communicate persuasively in this module
Manage time as most precious resource will be the focus of this module. You will learn techniques and strategies to make the most of the available time to get anticipated objectives
Stress is the result of mismanagement of our priorities and routine. The core of this module will help you with strategies and methods to maintain moderate stress to develop efficiency
How to be agile to sustain and grow in ever-changing world is the emphasis of this module. You will learn that agility is not the luxury but necessity
One of the astonishing learning of this module is about how to build your unique Psychic energy to enjoy everything you do and influence people around you in positive way
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Personal Effectiveness Program (PEP) is a unique initiative to develop focused skills within each individual to perform the assigned task to the most optimum levels. Here the focus is to develop spiritual and emotional quotients of the individual which are directly impacting functional competencies of the individual to perform specific tasks. This program is quite effective for the group or unit where their technical superiority is unable to deliver expected results.
PEP' can be super effective tool while implementing transactional or transformational changes at the organisation. This program can bring phenomenal results in the productivity of the workforce during tough market conditions. This program is proven best as preventive measures in restricting manpower attrition.
We recommend once a quarter intervention of this program with focused skills to improve productivity and efficiency of the organisation. We must understand that all skills cannot be cultivated at a single attempt. Right bucketing of the skills, systematic delivery and repeated refreshers can bring unimaginable results to the individual, group or organisation.
Knowledge and skill retention is a critical point for all the organisations today. We use experiential learnings during our sessions to ensure high retention of key learnings. Subsequently we also impart micro learning nuggets to attendees improve knowledge retention even after the session is completed.
The objective setting and milestone design will be done at the inception of assignment. Periodic review mechanism is set to review the progress and take corrective measures to remain on track with the progress. Once the objectives are met, all stakeholders to sign project completion documents.