Art of Sales

Art of Sales

A Broad, Deep and Effective Connected Selling Curriculum that Helps Your Sales Team Learn Critical Behaviors and Apply them in the Field

We specialize in conducting training programs based on our signature CRAFT. Our training programs are custom tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements for the targeted pilot group – be it organization or individuals.

Leveraging our Exceleration Process we deliver our training programs/ coaching/ consultation with our New Paradigm of Intelligence with an aim to achieve Radical Transformation.

Who will be benefited?

Anyone who wants to master “The Art of Sales”. The program is designed keeping in focus individuals who seek to pursue and excel in the sales and marketing domain. The program will provide pragmatic hands-on experience to individuals with a wide array of roles including but not limited to a beginner salesperson, an experienced seller, customer experience specialists, sales managers, professionals looking to shape their career into sales, channel partners agnostic to any particular industry.


Sales – An art to earn customer
Sales – An art to earn customer

Master the skill of Persuasive Communication to have meaningful and desired conversation to build sustainable personal and professional relationship

Brand U
Brand U

Client buys the sales person first and product later. Hence, it becomes imperative for sales person to focus on building a strong brand for himself. This module will give telescopic idea on how to pitch ‘Brand You’ to customer


Communication is in the core of every sales activity. Communicating persuasively is the key to close every sales deal. You will learn how to communicate persuasively in this module

Understand customer from customer’s perspective (Need Analysis)
Understand customer from customer’s perspective (Need Analysis)

One of the basic expectations of each customer is to be understood by salesperson. This module will focus on how to acknowledge customer and identify implicit and explicit needs. Right need identification will pave path of sales closure

Build the Trust
Build the Trust

Trust is unseen but inevitable element for closing any sales deal. How to create magic of trust with right rapport building techniques will be at core of this module.

Sell to serve value
Sell to serve value

Selling is not only the number but also an opportunity to create lifetime relationship with customer. This bonding is possible by delivering the value that your customer desires. We will cover concept of ‘delivering value with product and services’ in this module

Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management

Sales is not an end but beginning of new relationship with customer. This module will encompass customer relationship management techniques for long term and sustainable business.

Frequently Asked questions

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Art of Sales' program is professional development initiatives that can be implemented at the individual, team, or enterprise levels. The program focuses on building strategic analytical and persuasive interpersonal skills that empower the sales professional to better engage with their customers and close more deals. We combine Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence to improve analytical skills of sales professionals which plays a crucial role in deal closure.

Art of Sales' is one of many strategic programs which organizations can pull to increase revenue. The sales team is often on the front lines of driving growth for the company, so it is often a good starting point to start improving revenue performance. We enhanced the command of sales professionals in key skill areas like active listening, strategic analytical skills, persuasive interpersonal skills, objection handling, negotiation etc. which can drive revenue for an organization by driving account growth, acquiring new business, and building cross-selling or upselling skills within a service team.

This program is customised as per the unique need of the organisation. This can be delivered effectively within 16 hours to 32 hours depending on topics covered and training pedagogy opted. This can be delivered in classroom, virtual classroom or hybrid format depending on organisation preference and availability of workforce and resources.

For some organisations, this program is to learn new skills and techniques, for others it’s to keep up to date with the latest perspectives or to find out different approaches that they might incorporate into their business. 'Art of Selling' module empowers attendees to become more confident, motivated and self-reliant in the world of selling and thereby improves revenue for the organisation.

The objective setting and milestone design will be done at the inception of the assignment. Periodic review mechanism is set to review the progress of the batch and take corrective measures informing of refresher sessions, assessments to remain on track with the progress.