
Exceleration Process

We help our participants build, sustain, share and apply knowledge to have a measurable impact on business results.


A New Paradigm of Intelligence

For us, success comes when you push beyond the expected, using the skills we’ve helped you master to transform businesses, lead markets, uncover new opportunities, and strike out in new directions. We help you achieve this level of excellence through a powerful combination of functional, emotional, and spiritual intelligence.

Our training programs are highly personalized and we work to radically change your mindset about the philosophical foundations and practices of business. Questions like “What I think”, “What I feel” can be answered through rational and emotional intelligence. But, the power an individual or organization can only manifest based on their deepest meanings, values, and purposes. This new paradigm of intelligence answers, the last questions- “What I am” / “What is my goal in life”. These trailblazed practices make our training more rewarding and sustainable for you.

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Process For Radical Transformation

We want you to do good, competent work. We also want you to work quickly, without having to think extensively each time about what it is that you’re doing. In other words, we want you to develop to a level of unconscious competence. We have identified 4 stages to help you understand the emotions you experience during the learning process. This process will help you track your radical transformation, while we help you develop the skills in various areas. you can use it to understand the emotions you experience during the learning process. This will help you to stay motivated when you feel inadequate or subject to self-doubt, and it will help you manage your expectations of success.

Radical Transformation Process
Radical Transformation Process
Radical Transformation Process
Radical Transformation Process
CRAFT Check Reflection Align Facilitation Transformation
  1. C
    Check Training Requirement
    We sit with our stakeholder to analyze training needs, understand cultural considerations, and discover project context. Every company has a unique business need, hence enough time is invested to diagnose challenges faced, identify areas of improvements and participants thus, realizing the training objective.
    Check arrow
  2. R
    Reflection arrow
    We reflect upon the client's training requirements to meet ‘specific business needs’ gathered during the training requirement analysis stage. Every KPI in the process needs to be addressed with a personalized solution. The personalized and unique training design will be crafted to develop content from our detailed content portfolio.
  3. A
    Align Content
    We craft custom training methodology, schedule, and logistics, engagement activities to match every training requirement. The quality and effectiveness of the plan and training resources are meticulously designed and tested.
    Align arrow
  4. F
    Facilitation arrow
    We make use of several training mediums and methodologies to make learning agile and effective. Leveraging modern learning techniques and technologies we ensure learning is accessible and well-received. Every module is assisted with a unique blend of activities, gamification techniques, and empowering values to build a knowledge-centric learning experience.
  5. T
    We firmly believe thet training delivery/facilitation/coaching is just the beginning of the learning journey. Learning is a continuous process and we encourage our clients to evaluate training results with set training objectives. This exercise helps us to get new insights and helps us to continuously improve our service offerings. The stakeholders are also assisted with ongoing learning support and training reports from these evaluations as part of the post-training resource.