Basic Practitioner course

Basic Practitioner course

  • NLP is the science of modelling an excellence.
  • It offers practical and rapid methods for personal growth and influence.
  • It is the study of how people do things, how they think, process information, behave and about using what works and discarding what does not.
  • NLP used successfully in areas such as Personal growth, work, business, teaching, training, & health care
NLP is a way of life

Who will benefit

This course is essential for anyone serious about truly fulfilling his or her potential. It will benefit everyone from a recent graduate to a top executive, irrespective of profession or discipline. CEO's, Managers, Businessmen, Consultants, Trainers, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Teachers and other professionals will find it rewarding.

An investment of few days and a nominal fee will give you insights and abilities you never thought possible. Receive the benefit of years of experience in just hours. You will bring home proven techniques to improve your client's lives NOW! You will be experiencing a personal transformation that will leave you inspired, informed and motivated



Build and maintain rapport - the key to successful relationships
Communicate clearly and effectively
Change unwanted behaviors in positive ways
Create your own personal state of excellence
Manage your emotional state to catapult to great success
Recognize and use powerful language patterns
Help yourself and others manage depression, stress & relieve any psychological deficiencies
course completion benefits

Your course


Enhance your journey to success in
6 days
Fast-paced, hands-on experience from experts
Elevate your therapy skills for visible results
NFNLP Certification & community access
One year free membership of
Be more at peace with
Learn everything you need to use NLP in your life now!


  • Quick impact therapy How to build & maintain multilevel rapport
  • How to maintain rapport with groups How to see and hear expertly
  • How to improve personal/ professional relationships
  • How to use client's resistance to your advantage
  • How to make rapid, lasting changes How to access personal strengths and resources
  • How to solve problems at the subconscious level
  • Fast phobia cure - how to stop phobias in minutes
  • How to ask the right questions
  • How to change personal history Change the way you remember your past
  • How to turn negatives into positives!
  • How to reframe your life
  • All types of anchoring techniques
  • Eye accessing cues
  • Re-parenting your inner child

Frequently Asked questions

Hey there! Got questions? We've got answers. Check out our FAQ page for all the deets. Still not satisfied? Hit us up.

This is an artificial intelligence integrated tool by which you can automate your PTE and IELTS mock test systems in your educational systems.

You don’t need to worry, the interface is user-friendly. Anyone can use it smoothly. Our user manual will help you to solve your problem. If you do find yourself needing some help, feel free to reach out to our support team through our Contact page, or visit our Support Center.

Definitely, you can give permission to all of your team members and can set their roles based on their position to manage it in your institution.

Definitely, you can give permission to all of your team members and can set their roles based on their position to manage it in your institution.

Definitely, you can give permission to all of your team members and can set their roles based on their position to manage it in your institution.

Definitely, you can give permission to all of your team members and can set their roles based on their position to manage it in your institution.