Aptitude Development Program

Aptitude Development Program

Every student is unique with different skill sets. In this course, you will explore that the learning is not a burden but an opportunity to learn new skills and acquire profound knowledge. We will teach techniques to sharpen memory and equip students to gain insight of every concept by exploring the idea and application in the real world.

We specialize in conducting training programs based on our signature CRAFT. Our training programs are custom tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements for the targeted pilot group – be it organization or individuals.

Leveraging our Exceleration Process we deliver our training programs/ coaching/ consultation with our New Paradigm of Intelligence with an aim to achieve Radical Transformation.

Who will be benefited?

All school students who want to convert Potential into Performance and attained desired results.


Goal Setting & Vision Board
Goal Setting & Vision Board

Setting goal as per individual strengths and interest is most crucial for success. This module will focus on a structured process of setting goals to lay strong foundation for strong education.

How learning works
How learning works

A step by step guide to learning strategy is the core of this module. It explore the secret of building motivation and propulsion for learning.

Change unhelpful beliefs and attitude
Change unhelpful beliefs and attitude

Discover how to downsize so call ‘Big Problem’ and understand what is the real cause of problem. Learn to ask effective questions for bringing positive change.

Face exam
Face exam

This module will help student to face fear, manage stress, boost confidence and embrace exam as opportunity to test knowledge.

Memory techniques
Memory techniques

You will learn psychological memory techniques to grasp complex concepts for long time in this module

Public speaking
Public speaking

Second biggest fear of any individual is public speaking. We will teach student on how to remove stage fear and improve platform skills with Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques